2021 Automotive News reports that the advanced-technology battery is due to power future Teslas, saying the 4680 batteries will have five times the storage capacity of current Tesla battery packs and will cost 50 percent less to build.Ĭaleb Miller, Car and Driver, 29 Oct. 2021 Erica Bartsch, a Brinks Home Security spokesperson, said the company plans to spend about $125 million upgrading its network capabilities as wireless companies transition to more advanced 5G mobile technology. 2021 Using highly advanced autonomous technology, these aircraft fly far more independently than older generations of uninhabited aircraft.ĭave Deptula, Forbes, 4 Nov. You can use the Page (s) field to search for article numbers as well. Use a hyphen to search for a range, as 1-35.

Volume (s)/Issue (s)/Page (s) In the Volume and Issue field, enter numeric values only. 2021 In 2020, TerraPower was one of two companies to win a Department of Energy grant to develop advanced nuclear technology. ScienceDirect will search the author affiliation segment of the document for instances of the terms.

2021 From that monstrous destruction came scientific advancements that spurred such life-saving developments as the concrete storm shelter, the Fujita scale, advanced forecasting technology and more, according to the NWS. 2021 Government officials said privately that there was no evidence of Russian or Chinese advanced technology, much less space-traveling aliens, in the information collected.Īrkansas Online, 25 Nov. 2021 Reports of subtropical storms are not uncommon, especially in the 21st century, thanks to advanced technology.Īllison Chinchar, CNN, 30 Nov. Recent Examples on the Web The new law requires the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration create a rule mandating that new vehicles be equipped with advanced technology to prevent drunken and impaired driving beginning no later than 2026.